Sunday, October 8, 2023

Teaching Literacy

In this month of October is the celebration of Teachers Month. We celebrate each teachers kindness, patience, and love they give to their students. They teach their students not only about the lesson of some particular subjects but also GMRC or Good Moral and Right Conduct for their students to apply that GMRC for their everyday life. They always try their very best to teach students full of love even they are struggling in their own life. Even in their darkest times, they still try their best. It is not easy being a teacher because it is not all about teaching, it is also about to motivate and inspire students. In our everyday life, we learn something we can apply to our near future and give us knowledge as well as understanding about what our lesson or lecture from our teachers. We apply that lesson to become the better version of ourselves. Teachers are not just teachers, they are Hero. I will forever admire those teachers who show respect to students, don't feel superior or degrade their students and never invalidates students' feelings and opinions.

Sometimes, we forget to thank and appreciate them but deep inside us, we do truly appreciate everything they do to teach us and give whatever they have and give whatever they can even in the smallest things. Despite them being strict, they also deserve our love and support. They are teachers but they also deserve an effort and genuine intention towards them. They deserve to be appreciated, seen and loved. Some of us students know how they struggle but some don't. We should always respect and love our teachers as we love ourselves and our family. So, as we celebrate Teachers' month, i encourage everyone to make their teacher feel special, not only now that it's teachers month but everyday. Their efforts matters. Happy Teachers Day to all teachers in the world. Thank you for always trying your best, we really do appreciate you all.

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