Thursday, April 25, 2024

Flying Fearlessly

Starting my academic path has both terrifying and exciting. The pressure to meet the expectations of those who believe in me has often felt like a burden on my shoulders. The fear of failure is strong, but it serves as a continual reminder of the importance of patience and solution. Despite the obstacles in my way, I feel inspired by my loved ones' support and a desire to prove myself in the process.

Looking ahead to a decade from now, I imagine myself being successful on  many different levels. As a committed and passionate individual, I visualize myself being a successful flight attendant, traveling the world while providing excellent service to customers. At the same time, I am motivated to develop myself as a successful businesswoman, balancing the responsibilities of big companies with the excitement of travel. This both goal reflects my dedication to reaching all my goals as well as taking advantage of every possibility that crosses across my path.

Thinking on my exploration, I can't help but picture how happy it would make my inner child. She longed to reach higher levels and live a life filled with passion and experience. Her unstoppable dedication and resilience continue to inspire me, reminding me of the power of chasing what I want and overcoming challenges with grace and commitment.

To my younger, present, and future selves, I make an important promise: I will always work harder, give my all, and never stop dreaming of a brighter tomorrow. With hope as my guidance and belief as my power, I know that everything is possible. I believe in myself and my ability, I can do it and I will always do it!


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Redirect notice. (n.d.-d).

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Celebrating Mother's Day

Mother's Day, observed worldwide on the second Sunday in May, is a unique day dedicated to recognizing and praising moms for their love, sacrifices, and contributions in our lives.  Mother's Day, a cherished Filipino tradition since the early twentieth century, has now spread around the world, with people expressing thanks and affection for their moms as well as other mothers.

Mothers are an example of selflessness, committed entirely to caring, protecting, and guiding their children. From the time of pregnancy, moms start on on a path of pure affection and unconditional support, putting their own needs aside to prioritize their children's well-being and happiness. Whether it's staying up all night to calm a sobbing newborn, offering a listening ear in times of hardships, or giving important wisdom and life lessons, mothers play a priceless part in determining our lives and making us into the people we become.

In addition to their traditional roles as protectors and caregivers, many moms take on responsibilities normally associated with males, assuming multiple responsibilities in order to offer emotional and financial support for their families. These amazing ladies show power, courage, and determination in the face of hardship reflecting the characteristics of both mother and father with beauty and pride. Their incomparable dedication and unconditional love serve as reasons for inspiration and admiration, gaining them the highest respect and thanks from their children and loved ones.

Mother's Day in the Philippines is a meaningful celebration based on family tradition and respect. Families often begin the day by attending mass together, giving prayers and gratitude for the love and sacrifices of mothers. Special meals, usually cooked by the entire family, include traditional Filipino delicacies with sentimental meaning, indicating the caring function of mothers in their own homes. Children show their appreciation with homemade cards, flowers, and little presents, while other family members often assemble for reunions and parties, creating special recollections that celebrate the mothers of the family and their everlasting presence.

In the end, mothers are the overlooked treasures of our life, proving bravery, independence, compassion, and courage. Their unlimited love and indescribable passion are limitless, as they work continually to make the world a better place for their children and families. On Mother's Day and every day, let us celebrate and appreciate those amazing women who have impacted our lives and touched our hearts, because they truly are our lives' superheroes and superwomen.


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Redirect Notice. (n.d.).

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Honoring Araw ng Kagitingan

"Araw ng Kagitingan," or the Day of Valor, is an important day in Philippine history that is observed annually on April 9th. This day commemorates the bravery and sacrifices of Filipino and American soldiers who fought in World War II, particularly at the Battle of Bataan. The struggle, which lasted from January 7 to April 9, 1942, represents the Filipino people's perseverance and valor in the face of adversity.

Araw ng Kagitingan must be commemorated in order to remind us of our forefathers' heroism and sacrifice. During the Battle of Bataan, Filipino and American forces faced severe conditions such as malnutrition, sickness, and constant enemy attacks. Despite the tremendous odds, they fought tenaciously to defend their motherland.

Furthermore, honoring Araw ng Kagitingan promotes a sense of national solidarity and pride. The warriors' gallantry transcends generations and inspires Filipinos today. By commemorating their memories, we reaffirm our dedication to sustaining the patriotism, sacrifice, and resilience that they exemplified.

Finally, Araw ng Kagitingan is more than just a calendar date; it is a moving reminder of the Filipino people's unwavering spirit. As we mark this day, let us honor the brave men and women who gave their life for our country's freedom and independence. Their legacy is a light of hope and a monument to the resilient Filipino spirit.



(2021, April 12). Retrieved from


(2022, March 31). Retrieved from

Araw ng Kagitingan Regular Holiday Pay Rules.

(2014, April 9). Retrieved from

Independence Day Holiday Pay Rules – Philippine News.

(2014, June 12). Retrieved from

Change Begins With Us

In a world full of obstacles and complexities, the urge to effect change is a common one. However, when confronted with the enormity of global challenges, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and unclear where to begin. However, the core of change is not in spectacular gestures, but in the cumulative impact of small deeds. As we engage on the journey of personal transformation, we realize that change begins with us.

Every road of change begins with a single step—one person's willingness to question the status quo, reject complacency, and accept the call to action. It's about acknowledging our individual agency and realizing that even the tiniest actions can spark significant change. Whether it's volunteering at a local shelter, fighting for environmental sustainability, or simply practicing kindness in our daily encounters, each action has the potential to set off a chain reaction of transformation.

Among the numerous global challenges vying for our attention, it is critical to choose where our actions can have the greatest impact. Introspecting our passions, abilities, and resources allows us to find areas where our contributions are most authentic. Whether we're advocating for social justice, boosting education, or improving healthcare accessible, our unique skills and perspectives enable us to make a real impact in the world.

As we consider the huge goal of transforming the world, remember that the most significant transformations frequently begin with the individual. We may cultivate the seeds of change in our communities and beyond by cultivating an empathy, courage, and determination mindset. So let us embrace the call to action, since Change Begins With Us.


Change Begins With Me – Cluff Counseling.
(2020, June 8). Retrieved from


One Small Step.
(2016, July 29). Retrieved from


The importance of introspecting and self-assessment to succeed | IIBP.
(May 12, 2017) Retrieved from


Why Understanding & Embracing Change is Important for Business Success…
(2015, April 21) Retrieved from


Long Story Short, We Survived 🐾

As the school year is about to close, it's time for us, the students of Maxwell 2023-2024, to look back on the excitement we went throug...