Friday, March 22, 2024

Getting Ready Together

Our Community Based Research in San Julian, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, we look on how to handle emergencies better. It was enjoyable because we worked as a team, sharing ideas and learning how to be prepared for emergencies in our area. Through lively discussions and brainstorming sessions, we not only exchanged ideas but also achieved a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities presented by emergencies in our locality.

We talked to people in our community to hear their stories and learn what they do during emergencies. These talks showed us how strong our community is when things get tough and taught us important lessons about being prepared for emergencies by hearing their stories and experiences. This showed us that by working together and sharing knowledge, we can better handle any challenges that come our way. 

But we didn't just talk- we also did activities to teach others about handling emergencies. It was great to see everyone interested to learn how to stay safe. My experience is filled with so much fun because not only did the people in our community gain knowledge in emergency preparedness and response, but so did we, the researchers. It was enjoyable to interact with them as we exchanged experiences throughout our journey in dealing with different calamities like flood.

This research project  wasn't just about doing well in school, it was about growing together. We formed strong friendships as we worked together, and we leave with a better understanding of how to help each other during tough times. This project was more than just academics, it was a bond while working side by side and learned how to support each other through hard times. These experiences taught us valuable lessons about teamwork and kindness, leaving us with a deeper understanding of how to handle challenges together. 


Covid-19: Preparedness Is Making All the Difference.
(2020, March 24). Retrieved from


2 of businesspeople are discussing. 3418615 Vector Art at Vecteezy.
(2022) Retrieved from


Be Well Indiana: Assistance for Hoosiers
(2023) Retrieved from


(2022, August 22) Retrieved from


Journey Through the Third Quarter

In the 3rd Quarter, our focus was on mastering HTML frame tags, table tags, and various HTML elements, essential building blocks for creating structured and visually appealing web pages. Understanding these elements enabled us to construct layouts, organize data, and enhance the overall user experience of our activities. Through hands-on practice and exploration, we discovered the power of HTML in shaping the digital landscape.

Throughout- the quarter, a mix of emotions colored my days. I experienced moments of happiness as I searched deeper into the world of web development, enjoying the chance to expand my skills. However, alongside this joy, there was a constant feeling of nervousness, reducing the pressure to understand concepts quickly and perform well in assignments. This mix of emotions encouraged in driving me to push myself while also reminding me of the challenges ahead.

Amidst the challenges, I found comfort and gratitude in the intense support of my friends. Their encouragement and belief in my abilities cheered me through the toughest of times. I am deeply thankful for their presence, for it was their faith in me that motivated me forward and pushed me to strive for excellence guiding me through the ups and downs of the quarter and reminding me that I was never alone in this journey of learning and growth. 

As the quarter draws to a close, I reflect on the journey with a sense of accomplishment. Despite the pressures we faced, the experience was not empty of excitement and happiness. Each obstacle overcome and each moment achieved has left a lasting impression, making this quarter a truly memorable chapter in my learning journey. Each step forward is a strong moment, reminding me of the progress made and the growth experienced along the way. This journey, though demanding, has been filled with moments of excitement and happiness, making it unforgettable part of my educational path.


How to make a Website using HTML.
(2015, July 7). Retrieved from

Top Programming Languages For The Full Stack Developers in 2023.
(2021, September 10). Retrieved from

Desarrollo Web Completo con HTML5, CSS3, JS AJAX PHP Y MySQL.
(2023, August 19). Retrieved from

A Beginner’s Guide To Lern Web Development From Scratch.
(2023, July 22). Retrieved from

Friday, March 15, 2024

National Women's Month 2024

 National Women’s Month 2024 is a special time to celebrate the amazing things women have done and continue to do. From being leaders in different fields to standing up for what’s right, women play a big role in making the world a better place.

During National Women’s Month, we take time to look at the great things women have achieved. In science, politics, sports, and art, women have shown that they can do anything they set their minds to. By sharing their stories, we inspire others, especially young girls, to believe in themselves and chase their dreams.

Empowering women is a big part of National Women’s Month. It means giving women the tools and support they need to succeed. This includes things like making sure they have access to education, jobs, and leadership opportunities. When women are empowered, they can do amazing things and make a real difference in the world.

We also use National Women’s Month to talk about important issues facing women today. This includes things like violence against women, unequal pay, and not having the same chances as men. By speaking up and working together, we can make sure that all women are treated fairly and with respect.

Lastly, National Women’s Month reminds us that every woman’s experience is different. Some face more challenges because of things like their race, background, or where they come from. By listening to each other and supporting women from all walks of life, we can make sure that the fight for equality includes everyone.


READ: PCW Memorandum Circular 2024-02 on the Guidelines for the 2024 National Women's Month Celebration. (2024, February 8). Retrieved from[0]=AZVUWDuRN9CeA-F2HG6OOG2ruQwr8LaSPC7RfKYGmHihPahwYF9wy80TTztqW-AEWIhy04_Q5RLjmGK1RucljotZVv983j1T0Anfm6xGhxBGu2jtsFM6gU_RAdQE3ax6_Jdb714XS95HAPWUdQKvJAD6&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R

Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
(2024) The University of IOWA. Retrieved from

Happy National Women's Month.
(2022, March 1). Melissa Eugene. Retrieved from

Highlights From Our 122nd High School Day Celebration

 "The Best High School Day Ever!" The 122nd High School Day Celebration at Ilocos Sur National High School was an event to remember! The day was filled with an array of exciting programs, promoting a sense of unity and pride among student, teachers, and staffs. These programs or events like parade, field demo, and concerts was really filled with joy and excitement. The day kicked off with a lively parade. The atmosphere was electric as everyone marched proudly through the streets, displaying banners and chanting cheers. 

After the parade, we returned to school for some well-deserved rest before diving into the next set of activities. The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the field demo, where each school year level, as well as boy and girls, participated in friendly contests. It was thrilling to see everyone giving their best and cheering each other on. Following the field demo, we gathered in our classrooms to enjoy a delicious lunch together with classmates. It was a time for bonding as we shared stories and laughter over shared meals. 

But the excitement didn't end there! After a brief rest, we headed to the gymnasium for a concert with a cause. It was truly special to see our very own teacher and fellow students take the stage as singers and instrumentalists. The talent on display was remarkable, and the energy was captivating. Their performances were met with resounding applause from the audience. One of my proudest moments of the day was seeing my classmates shine on stage during the concert. Their performances were outstanding, and it was clear that they had put in a lot of effort and dedication to make the event a success. I couldn't be prouder of their achievements. 

In the end, the 122nd High School Day Celebration was fun and enjoyable event that brought the school community together in celebration of its rich history and achievements. It was a day filled with fun, laughter and unforgettable memories, reaffirming our pride in being part of such an exceptional educational institution. Without a doubt, it was "The Best High School Day Ever!"

Long Story Short, We Survived 🐾

As the school year is about to close, it's time for us, the students of Maxwell 2023-2024, to look back on the excitement we went throug...